How to prevent your flocked trees from yellowing

How to prevent your flocked trees from yellowing

Why Do Flocked Trees Turn Yellow?

An effective Christmas tree flocking requires time, effort, and a thorough understanding of the type of tree, mixing technique, and mixture to be used.

Before flocking your tree, make sure it is covered by a warranty. If you use homemade snow on a Balsam Hill Christmas tree, the warranty will be voided, so make sure the tree you select for the task is hazard-free and up to snuff.

Adding flock to a Christmas tree turns it into a spectacular display without much expense or hassle.

If you clean and store your flocked artificial Christmas tree properly at the end of each holiday season, you can easily maintain it. You can also prevent dust from accumulating and protect the tree.

Preventing Yellowing

During storage, your tree can still be restored to its natural beauty if it becomes discolored.

The following tips will help you clean a yellowed flocked artificial Christmas tree.

  1. Follow the care instructions on the packaging when cleaning a yellowed flocked Christmas tree. You can also speak with the manufacturer’s customer service department.
  2. Keep the yellowed tree in full sunlight for a couple of hours. The sun can remove subtle stains and restore a tree’s former glory in the case of subtle discoloration. And yeah, summer and spring are the best times to accomplish this.
  3. A solution of 3 parts white vinegar and 1 part water sprayed on affected branches may be more effective than sunlight alone. It is best to place the tree in direct sunlight for 12 hours at least.

And through the reaction of vinegar and sunlight, the branches will be bleached white.

 In most cases, the tree’s warranty will be void if it is purposefully altered or misused.  So refrain from bleaching while your tree is still under warranty.

When it comes to maintaining the beauty of your flocked artificial Christmas tree, the best step is prevention. It works every now and then for nearly every home decor.