Winter Themed Flocked Christmas Trees

Winter Themed Flocked Christmas Trees

What Are Flocked Christmas Trees?

One of the easiest themes out there for flocked Christmas trees is a winter theme. When you think of a winter theme what comes to mind? Snow, ice, snowflakes, white lights and tons of other winter-like elements. Flocked Christmas trees already have the snow covered on this aspect, with the flocking that is on the branches, making these trees appear to be covered in snow. It gives the appearance as though you went into the field and chopped down a real snow covered tree with the benefit of not having this snow melt or the needles fall off!

What Makes Winter Themed Flocked Trees Different?

With this being said, for those who want to bring the winter theme to life with their flocked Christmas trees, we have a few tips on how to make this work!

1. Go with colors like light blue, white, or silver. Remember when you stare outside on a winter night that is covered with snow, the colors that you see are going to be those that you can easily implement into this tree.

2. Don’t forget the snowflakes! Find tons of ornaments that are going to be snowflakes or even icicles so that you can make this winter theme come to life.

3. Opt to go with a star on the top of the tree, just as you would see when you are looking into the night sky.

4. The flocking is going to already be on these trees so that you don’t have to worry about making this tree appear to have snow on it.

For those who are looking for a theme that really brings flocked Christmas trees to life then you cannot go wrong with the winter theme. It is super easy and you will be happy with the end results, and don’t forget you can always add a few personal elements to this to make it even better!