Prelit Christmas Trees: A Whimsical Theme

Prelit Christmas Trees: A Whimsical Theme

Introducing Our Whimsical Prelit Christmas Trees

When you think about the term whimsical, what comes to mind? This is a theme that many people want on their prelit Christmas trees! It is all about embracing the whimsical side of Christmas with something that is fun, and it is definitely a theme that those with kids will love. While the theme itself can do just about anything that you can think of, for the purpose of this theme we are using a few elf ideas scattered among this. After all, what is more whimsical than Santa’s little helpers making toys, loading the sled, and even wrapping the presents that appear under the tree?

The main colors that you are going to want to use on these prelit Christmas trees are red, white and lime. It is a beautiful color combination that is a twist on the traditional colors of Christmas. Other ornaments that you want to integrate include:

– An elf or two

– Elf stockings

– Candy canes

– Holly plants

– Garland that fits in with these color schemes

Decorating Your Whimsical Prelit Christmas Tree

You will find that loading these prelit Christmas trees down with the red, lime and white bulb ornaments is the starting point. Then add in some of the other décor like holly plants, candy canes, a few elf stocking ornaments, place in a few elves throughout the tree, and then try to find other ornaments that fit into this theme that you personally want to include.

With the white lights that most prelit trees have, it is going to be such a fun end result. You can even find a ribbon that is red with white polka dots to add an even bigger dash of whimsical throughout this tree. It will be gorgeous and one of a kind, as you can let your imagination go with this tree.